It’s Springtime! Are you and your pets ready?
The temps are warming, the first flowers of the springtime season are making an appearance and after a cold winter, getting outside again feels like a new beginning. Now is a good time to get your pups ready for outdoor adventures, travel, or simply lazing around in the springtime sunshine. Let’s make sure it’s a …

4th of July Safety Tips
Popping in to wish you and all of the 4-legged friends in your life a safe, fun and happy 4th of July. It feels so good to be out and about doing normal things again, doesn’t it? And while we humans may ooh and ahh over a colorful fireworks display, the fur-folks we share our …

Pet safe and it works! Natural weedkiller is my new yard companion
For pet owners, scrolling through social media can scare the daylights out of you. From pet food recalls, to foods that can contribute to heart disease in dogs, to the horrors of the pesticides we put on our lawns, social media often forces us to seek out alternative solutions. While I like to keep my …